Version ControlKRYSTAL™ DMS allows users to check-out and check-in documents in to repository. Users with check-out permissions can check out document from a document class by using the Check-out Option from the action list.. The document is then downloaded on the local machine into a pre-defined path set by user in the preferences. Each time a document is checked back in to the repository after alterations on a local machine, KRYSTAL™ DMS automatically creates and securely stores a new version so that no previous version is ever overwritten. To view a comprehensive version history for a particular document, select the Revision History from within the document hit list. User can see all the checked out documents by him / her by using the Checkout Documents link on the My Workspace. User can perform following tasks through this module.
Indexes associated with the documents are displayed as a popup when user clicks on the View Indexes icon as shown below. To Check-in the document user can use Check-in Document icon link or user can use the action list drop down menu of document Hitlist. All available indexes of the document class is displayed along with option to select the document to be checked in. The comments added by the user while checking the document is added as a Journal Note for the document.